

In politics on September 24, 2015 at 4:26 pm

They are much better salespeople than the Republicans.  And their product is much easier to sell.

Capitalism is a Tough Sell

It’s much harder to sell capitalism than socialism.  Capitalism requires individual initiative, hard work, and honed skills to succeed.  It proves that life is inherently unfair because some people have more drive than others.  It also rewards the smartest, most ambitious individuals the most.  Therefore, because of the law of averages, most people have to accept their limitations and settle for what that will yield.  Slackers will, of course, be left behind. 

Socialism, on the other hand, is an easy sell.  It suggests that there is a utopia on earth, an economic system in which everyone benefits equally.  Whether you are smart or stupid, ambitious or lazy doesn’t really matter.  All men and women share the pie.  This is a world where there is no incentive to excel, because the government will provide for all.  The government, not the individual, will determine what is right and just. 

Entrepreneurs are “Lucky” and “Exploiters”
Democrats insist individuals who create a business and earn more money than the average are lucky, or, more likely, exploitive, because they have earned that reward by using the labor of their employees, and are, therefore, not entitled to more than what the government considers their fair share.

Therefore, under socialism, it seems only fitting that entrepreneurs will be penalized.  And since these risk-takers represent a minority, the majority of the people, even the least ambitious, will receive enough money, taken directly from those who have earned “excessive” amounts.

Is there a Utopia?

Socialism, then, has wide appeal because the majority of the people can rely on the government to care for them.  In short, the government can treat the majority as their children and provide aid, from cradle to grave, as necessary.  No one gets left behind.  No one need suffer.  Government will always provide.

In truth socialism is fantasyland, because government will dole out revenue as it sees fit, which could be for subsidies to energy start-up companies that wind up failing.  But, who cares, since it’s only taxpayer money?  The government can simply continue throwing good money after bad.  Also under Obamacare, the government can decide it doesn’t want to pay for expensive cancer medications for people over eighty and thus write their death sentence.

All Democrats are Socialists

Yet in the world of American politics advocating socialism works well for Democrats, and, make no mistake, whether they call themselves socialists or not, Democrats–all Democrats–preach it.  They preach it because their voter buys “fairness” as revenge against “unfair” capitalism.  

Democrats, of course, never extol the virtues of capitalism. 

Consequently, Democrats always insist on taxing the rich until it hurts.  In this way, underachievers believe the Party is looking out for them.  However, those unemployed and no longer looking for work has risen to over 64 million, the highest number since the 70’s.  Yet the official unemployment number touted in the media is now 5.1%, another government subterfuge camouflaging reality.

Case in Contrast: Ben Carson v. Hillary Clinton

Dr. Ben Carson and Hillary Clinton both addressed the Urban League convention in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, on July 31st.  The Urban League is considered to be a group of more moderate blacks.  Yet who do you think received the loudest applause, Carson or Clinton?

Carson spoke to the group about the advantages of capitalism, using his own career as an example of how a black person can succeed and rise to the top of his profession because of brainpower, ambition, and talent.  He spoke to them as a friendly teacher might, using examples from his own life to illustrate what it takes to rise up from poverty, despite racial prejudice, which he made clear will continue to exist because there will always be small-minded and evil people in the world. 

When Dr. Carson finished his speech, the applause was polite, respectful, but not particularly enthusiastic.

After Carson left, Hillary walked out on the stage to thunderous applause.  It was as if the crowd was just waiting for someone who expressed their core beliefs.   And, of course, she did.

She talked about how life was unfair, particularly to blacks.  How racial prejudice prevents blacks from getting ahead.  How she, as president, would do everything in her power to correct the country’s continuing injustice to blacks.  She was all about taxing and redistributing the wealth more fairly.  Of course, as president she would determine the meaning of “fair.”  Naturally she left out the fact that the unemployment and poverty rates among blacks has only grown significantly under President Obama’s administration.

But we’ve heard it all before.  It’s just the same speech Democrats keep giving, as they have for decades.  Yet it seems blacks never tire of hearing the same time-worn cliches.  It’s like preaching the old-time religion.  And, as always blacks simply accept the propaganda without uncovering the facts that belie it.

So it’s no surprise Clinton got the bigger applause.  If Copernicus had told the crowd the earth revolves around the sun, they would have booed him off the stage, because they had been taught since birth the sun revolves around the earth. 

 How Democrats Condescend to Blacks

Hillary, like all Democrats, essentially tells blacks they’re not smart enough to make it on their own.  Democrats are taught that men like Dr. Carson are simply white lackeys, obedient to white rules, as if life achievement were a group, not individual, effort.  Democrats preach that government will even the score.  Therefore, blacks need not be respectful toward white rules.  That’s why, with overt encouragement from the president and the attorney general, so many young black men defy the police and the law.  Adding oil to the fire, the president often weighs in directly on the side of the blacks, implying “white society is racist and deserves black revenge.”

Democrats Sell Emotion over Evidence

The real evil of the Democrat’s argument for socialism is that Democrats cannot prove their case with evidence so must resort to personal intimidation, labeling those who disagree with them as greedy, crazy, racists, terrorists, or deniers, referring to those who believe global warming is a government-control gambit, abetted by an academic community hungry for government funding.  Unfortunately, many who privately disagree with the intimidators are silenced, afraid of losing their jobs.

That’s why Democrats keep winning the presidency.  Since emotional charges subsume facts, too often intimidation works.  That’s a significant reason Donald Trump has zoomed to the top of the Republican polls.  He uses intimidation against his opponents.  Whether he’s wrong or right doesn’t seem to matter as much as his outspoken boldness.  This is refreshing to a lot of Republican voters who, for too long, have simply had to take it.

Thus one extreme leads to another.  That’s where we seem to be in America today.

The Daily Rant is owned and operated by James I. Greene.  All rights protected by copyright from reproduction without permission.

  1. I can see you did a lot of thinking about this, but I think the answer is so much simpler. Regarding candidates for President, the Democrats have been putting up ones who come across better on camera. More people vote on confidence of presentation, TVQ, beer factor, whatever you want to label it, than on policy differences. Using your Carson/Clinton example, you ought to admit that for all his “niceness” and veracity, Dr. Carson is a pretty boring speaker. And Mr.Trump, despite saying mostly outrageous and insubstantial things, is never boring. Hence his popularity.

    • Good comments, Mikey. Appreciate your input. I agree that boring is, well, boring. But I think Carson is more than that. I think there is a lot of non-pc substance to what he says, expecially to blacks. I don’t have a favorite candidate yet, but the GOP has some good ones.

  2. I so agree with you! What are we to do? Help!!!

    Sent from my iPad


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