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In politics on October 4, 2018 at 5:33 pm

If you watched or heard Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, you heard a decent man whose very decency has been widely maligned, his integrity impugned, and his family—wife and two young daughters—put through torturous agony by the false and felonious charges of numerous Democrats on the committee.  All for one reason: To prevent a highly respected, superbly accomplished man from being confirmed in his nomination to the Supreme Court. 

Who Is Christine Blasey Ford?

You also heard a woman named Christine Blasey Ford claim that Judge Kavanaugh had tried to rape her when she was fifteen.  But the witnesses she claimed would corroborate her story did not.  Not a single one of the four.

Fact is, Dr. Ford could not recall any details of the night of the party or gathering, as she termed it.  She could not identify the home where it was held.  She could not recall who had brought her or how she got home.  She could not even state why she was there.  Nor could she absolutely remember exactly which year the assault took place—once she said it was in the early 80’s, then she said it was in the mid-80’s, finally she claimed it was definitely 1982.  It seems the only thing she was absolutely sure of was the name of the man who had assaulted her, though she was never asked to describe what he looked like.

And yet, her ex-boyfriend of six years relates that Ford was not telling the truth.  For example, she claimed she did not like to fly, but had no problem flying wherever she went. And she flew many places.  She claimed she was not willing to leave California to come to Washington,  D.C. to testify in public, but, as it turns out, she was not even in California, but in Delaware, on vacation.  And, yes, she had flown there.

Another mystery was how Dr. Ford’s letter to Senator Diane Feinstein was leaked. Senator Feinstein said she didn’t know how it happened.  And no one on Feinstein’s staff had a clue.  Imagine that.

Still, there it was out in public, Ford’s incriminating allegation, accusing a teenage boy of committing a sexual assault, though Kavanaugh asserted unequivocally he barely knew Ford and was not at the party or gathering she claimed he was.

In short, there were a lot of unproved, yet public, claims made by Dr. Ford.  And a rush to judgment by the Democrats and a handful of squeamish Republicans, including Senator Jeff Flake, who demanded yet another FBI investigation–the seventh–of Judge Kavanaugh.  

Why Didn’t the FBI Investigate Dr. Ford?

Where, however, was the FBI investigation of Dr. Ford?  Who is she?  What is her motivation?  Why did she wait 36 years to pounce on Kavanaugh?

No answer about Ford’s veracity was forthcoming, but there were a lot of questions running through the media narrative: Did Kavanaugh, who spoke out against the rigged “witch trial” against him in the most scathing terms, accusing the Democrats of playing dirty because they lost the 2016 election, have the right temperament for the Supreme Court?  Because, according to Democrats, he wasn’t supposed to speak out like a man.    He was never supposed to give in to his true feelings, defend his own reputation and that of his family.

The Dems just wanted him to act like a robot, who could take all the phony charges against him without flinching.  And, as the female senator from Hawaii told all the men in America, “Just shut up.”  Somehow Democrats can do this, without anyone pointing a finger of criticism at them.

There’s also the question of whether Ford answered her polygraph questions honestly, since she had previously advised a client on how to cheat on a polygraph test, according to her ex-boyfriend, obviously no friend to her now.   Since she’s a researcher in psychology, she apparently knows how to trick the people who administer polygraph tests.  That’s one of her specialties.

The Downfall of American Education & Justice

So, let’s get this straight: If a woman makes an unproven criminal accusation against a man, the woman’s credibility trumps the man’s because she’s a woman.  That’s how justice now works in America, thanks to Democrats’ twisted ideas of justice.

Undoubtedly the man will always be guilty, especially if he’s a conservative and, as in this case, a nominee for the Supreme Court.  The fact that he has served on the second highest court in the land—the D.C. appeals court—for twelve years with high distinction has no bearing on the charge.  Not when a mature woman who goes to all the trouble to fly into D.C. to publicly accuse Kavanaugh.  And why has she waited all these years before bringing this allegation to public attention?  Could it be that she’s been hired by the Democrats to make this allegation?

Whatever Ford’s motivation, the result is Kavanaugh has to prove he’s innocent because our justice system now works assbackwards, according to Democrats.  These are the same Democrats who teach in universities and colleges and refuse to listen to anyone who doesn’t share their left-wing political views.  Furthermore, if a speaker with an alien point of view is invited to speak on campus, it’s now quite all right to shout that person down and—if necessary—commit violence against that person rather than listen to his speech.  These are the kind of tactics being preached and taught to college kids who haven’t a clue about America’s Constitution and America’s justice system.  Or even about common decency and respect.

Instead the kids just parrot their radical teachers and act like unleashed wild dogs when confronted with a person voicing an opinion that differs from the majority on campus. So much for enlightened learning on even the most elite college campuses.

From White Guilt to Male Guilt

What’s happening is the result, in part, of white guilt.  The late South Carolina author Pat Conroy, in his book The Water is Wide, put it this way, “In the fantasy of the races conceived in my mind, all blacks were noble people who had struggled against a repressive social order for years and were finally reaping the tangible rewards of this struggle.”  Conroy shows no self-pity; rather, he blames himself.  As he writes, “All whites, especially myself, we’re guilty of heinous, extraordinarily brutal crimes against humanity.”  As a result, Conroy tried to purge his guilt by teaching all blacks kids on  Yamacraw Island.  

Conroy says sarcastically he bought into the notion of White Guilt, meaning that at least every white man is guilty until proven innocent, which isn’t really possible, since it’s impossible to prove innocence.

Today, thanks to the #MeToo movement, virtually the same kind of guilt is being felt by men, who are suddenly being made to take responsibility for all the sexual assault crimes committed against women.  So if a woman like Dr. Ford steps out of her anonymity to accuse a Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault, she must be believed.  

Is it a bridge too far to consider that Dr. Ford might be lying because she’s a Democrat partisan who hates Trump, has marched against him, and would do anything to keep a conservative off the Court?  

Democrats, however, believe that it doesn’t really matter if Ford is telling a lie.  After all, it’s not a criminal trial, and, for Democrats and demagogues everywhere, the ends always justify the means.  Just ask Marx and Saul Alinsky who taught the world how to apply their Machiavellian principles.

Even the ACLU now believes a man, accused of sexual assault, must prove his innocence, or else be considered guilty.  Civil liberties be damned.  The only thing that counts now is regaining political power.  Truth is just going to have to take a back seat in this midterm campaign.

What is Truth?

What is truth, anyway?  College kids are being taught that truth is in the eye of the beholder.  When you read Shakespeare, there are as many truths as the people reading him.  To those who believe in this sophistry, truth is always various and very subjective.

In fact, say Democrats,  today’s truth may vary tomorrow.  To be a Democrat today, you have to be fast on your feet and train your brain to change with every new order sent down from DNC headquarters via The New York Times.  The Ten Commandments and the Constitution are just walls, like borders between countries, that must come tumbling down.  If this sounds like Communist propaganda, revealed by Pravda, back in the good, old Stalinist days, you’re right.

According to Barack Obama and all his lefty followers, we are all globalists now.  And yet, of course, we are all also tribalists, too—blacks, whites, browns, Asians; men, women; Jews, Christians, Muslims—and we have to stay in our tight little groups, pretending that we think like everyone else in our group.  If this seems contradictory, well, it is, and it’s also absurd.  Of course, we’re not talking about logical thinking here ; we’re talking about Democrat-think.

You see, if we start thinking for ourselves, we will undoubtedly vote Republican, the party that is bringing us a booming economy and new, updated trade policies that don’t give away the store to countries like China, who have taken the U.S. to the cleaners, via trade policies, for decades.  

What Democrats really want, but have not said out loud, is for the U.S. to become a mixed economy, like China, a Communist country with a little bit of capitalism thrown in, so we can pretend we have a sliver of free enterprise.  In short, Dems really want a Brave New World, where everyone thinks alike, obeys the beloved master, who will be “freely” elected for life.

Jim’s Daily Rant is owned and operated by James I. Greene. All rights protected by copyright from reproduction without permission.























