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In politics on May 14, 2020 at 3:27 pm

According to Federal data from January 2020, compiled from 12,372 political donations, American professors contribute to Democrats 95 to 1.  Is anybody surprised by this?

On the other hand, you should be outraged.  Why, for example, are parents paying $40,000 a year, just for tuition to private colleges and universities, in order to have left-wing professors indoctrinate their kids in left-wing politics?  Why is this even happening?  Who are these professors and why do they have so much control over higher education?  This isn’t a Communist dictatorship yet, is it?

The fact is, what’s going on, especially in liberal arts colleges today, is that your kids or grandkids are being shanghaied onto a ship, with a skull and crossbones, bound for the land of radical progressivism, where conservatives are booed, silenced, and banned if found on the premises, and Karl Marx, waving a hammer-and-sickle in one hand and a “Workers Unite” sign in the other, is king.

Expensive Propaganda

How did such a propagandized education get started?  The answer to that goes back to the 1960’s when student activists began to take over higher ed with their hysterical demands, much like children who want special toys to play with, and won’t stop crying until their parents give in.

Think about all the sit-ins and lists of demands forced down the throats of college administrators, who didn’t know what to do and were afraid to go against the grain of what must have seemed an overpowering force.  In any event, frightened administrations gave in and gave the radicals what they wanted.

Unfortunately, they’re still doing it.  But now it’s the administrators who have fallen in line with the radicals and are hiring only teachers who tow the politically progressive line.  Hence, the statistics cited above.

But what does this all mean for today’s college students?  Perhaps they come in as freshman believing that America is the greatest country on earth, that President Trump is doing a good job, that low unemployment helps the economy and enables their parents to afford their college tuition, that capitalism is the best economic system yet devised.  And then the left-wing college propagandists take over and disabuse your kids and grandkids of all their formerly cherished beliefs, which they probably learned from you.

Progressive Automatons

The plan truth is, we can’t have college systems that only veer left.  As you well know, college was meant to teach students how to think for themselves, not to indoctrinate them into becoming obedient progressive soldiers who need “safe spaces” and become so stressed out if someone offends them they have to have be protected and hidden from life’s abuses.  Unfortunately, life’s abuses are part of life, and if college pretends otherwise, it’s a fool’s paradise, not worth the money. 

What is Diversity?

Administrators must also start thinking hard about the courses taught and how they are taught.  Every administrator likes to brag about his school’s diversity.  But, in truth, today’s administrators dismiss the true meaning of “diversity,” which is “a variety of opinions.” 

In his novel 1984, George Orwell introduces the Ministry of Love, a misleading name for enforcers of the police state, where there is only one point of view.  Today’s college administrators might as well be called the Ministry of Love, because they are just enforcers of the left-wing propaganda being disseminated by their professors.  If you do as your told, you’re fine.  But, if you want to think for yourself, or deviate from progressive ideology, you’re a pariah.  What today’s colleges expect from students is to be politically obedient, like the sheep in Orwell’s Animal Farm.

Consequently, here are the questions college students must never ask:  1) Where are the conservative professors?  2) Why are 95 percent of our teachers of one political persuasion when half of America votes for Republicans?  3) Why are those who think for themselves ostracized or, worse, demeaned by the majority?   

 Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, going to college was for young men and women who wanted to get ahead in life and had the mental capacity to do so by studying hard, getting good grades, and then going out into the world to make use of their college education.  They certainly didn’t demand that professors divvy up students into groups, enforcing group think, instead of free thought.   

In those good-old-days, free thought was an admired commodity, accepted among the American population because it was integral to the First Amendment and to what made America great.  But, today, the college thought-police have turned free thought into a crime against political correctness.

Political correctness means aligning yourself with a group.  Preferably a minority group, because, you see, white Christian males, in particular, are persona non grata.  Much better to be a woman like Elizabeth Warren and claim American Indian ancestry so you can get a job teaching at Harvard Law School.

Thus, many courses offered in today’s colleges bear titles like “Black Studies” or “Lesbian Writers” or “Women’s Rights” or “Queer Studies.”  If you’re white, male, and straight, you might want to major in courses like “Guilt Complexes of the White Male.” 

The Vanishing Importance of Western Civilization

One of the best ways for American college students to forget how significant Western Civilization is is not to teach it.

Once upon a time, Western Civilization was a required course in virtually every American college and university because it includes some of the greatest literature and philosophy ever written.  But not today.  Today’s professors have discovered writers and thinkers from undeveloped countries to replace Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, and Shakespeare.

Instead of teaching American history that celebrates the brilliant founders of our own country, today’s professors prefer disruptors of social comity like Rousseau, Marx, and the French Revolutionaries.

Why is this happening?  Why have colleges becomes so anti-American?  Well, let’s go back to George Orwell’s 1984 for an explanation.  When Orwell’s leading character Winston is brought to the Ministry of Love after months of imprisonment without explanation, he questions why:  

“Is it to confess?” he asks. 

“No,” say his captors. 

“Is it to be punished?”

“No,” say his captors, explaining, “It’s to cure you! To make you sane!” And then they add, as if this were the bottom line: “No one whom we bring here ever leaves uncured.”

And for this, you are paying $40,000 a year in tuition.

Jim’s Daily Rant is owned and operated by James I. Greene. All rights protected by copyright from reproduction without permission.