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In politics on March 8, 2023 at 1:11 am

Marxist thinking, like dog poop, will stink up the country until it is recognized as garbage and thrown out.

Marxism is actually the end result of backward thinking–and spread by those who hold power over large groups of people.

Backward thinking–namely Marxist theory, or communism, which has always failed economically, and inevitably leads to dictatorship–is now being repackaged and sold or, rather, pushed by left-wing American politicians as “fairness.” Yet it’s the same poop that was sold to people in Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, and other countries where people are repressed.

Why Academia Loves Diversity

Academia loves diversity, because, like Marxism, it’s a way of repressing parents and students. It pretends to accomplish something positive, yet is a misnomer that implies equality, but means: We know best.

The fact is, those in power–school boards, boards of trustees, or teachers’ unions–don’t think you’re smart enough to make the right choices for your children.

Are you? Maybe you’re not sure. If that’s the case, then you’re more likely to depend on those with power to make decisions for you.

But, let’s say, you’re well-educated, have common sense, and know the difference between right and wrong. If so, why should someone in power tell you Critical Race Theory (CRT)is good for your children? Do you want your children subjected to a Marxist theory that divides people by race and turns one race against another?

Should the school permit your child to change his/her sex without your permission? Should the board of education be able to change words in a book by Dr. Suess or Roald Dahl or Mark Twain? Should a teacher expose your children to pornography or drag queen shows?

Didn’t you send your kids to public school to gain a good basic education? What has that got to do with CRT, sex changes, or censoring classic literature?

Who Are the New Moralists?

In fact, who are the people forcing these changes? How come they are suddenly the smartest, most moral people in America? Who gave them that sense of superiority and power over you and your children?

Or do you think the “new moralists” have a point? Well, let’s test the theory: The new moralists insist there is systemic white racism in America. So, let’s say, therefore, we should have fewer white kids in the classroom. Would that make education better? Would children of other races then learn more?

The new moralists say “yes,” because that would give more black and brown-skin students a better learning experience, and, ultimately, a better opportunity to earn a substantial living. Still, that argument obviates an important question: What’s preventing minority students from achieving the success they deserve? What will they gain in a schoolroom that teaches Marxist CRT? Or changes words in classic literature?

Consider: How did Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, General Colin Powell, Senator Tim Scott, and Justice Clarence Thomas–all black-skinned men–achieve their success? Wasn’t it because of their talent, smarts, and drive?

In fact, look around: Doesn’t diversity already exist almost everywhere in America? Isn’t virtually every American family a combination of multiple ancestries? Pointing a finger at whites and accusing them of being bigots is just another form of racism. So is calling everyone who disagrees with you “racist.”

Census statistics show that in 2020, 58 percent of America was white; 19 percent Hispanic; and 12 percent black. That’s reality. Equity tries to change reality into Utopia. And, in case you forgot, Utopia doesn’t exist.

What does Equity Mean?

Recently, Senator Bernie Sanders, an acknowledged socialist, was asked by Bill Maher: “What’s the difference between equity and equality?” Sanders admitted he couldn’t answer the question. The reason he couldn’t was that “equity” is a bogus term that only means what the progressives, who control American culture today, want it to mean. Actually, all three terms in DEI–diversity, equity, inclusion–mean virtually the same thing. To put it bluntly, they mean what those in power want it to mean.

Today’s progressives believe they have the right and ability to create their own reality. If, for example, it’s too difficult for some kids to succeed in school, then, they say, “Dumb down the standards.” Example: many colleges and universities no longer require SAT or ACT scores for admittance. Many try to gain “equity” by giving scholarships primarily based on skin color, rather than academic achievement.

Once upon a time, many of these same colleges and universities committed reverse discrimination– limiting admittance of qualified students, because of race or ethnicity. Asians argue Harvard still does.

Does Equity Diminish Incentive?

Equity is based on statistics. When we substitute statistics for performance, we diminish excellence. Filling a class with x number of various skin colors gains nothing, except applause from those who believe the goal is equity. It’s a fool’s paradise, and incorporates the same fallacy as socialism, which theorizes that all people deserve the same salary or the same grade or the same trophy for simply showing up. Competition and a desire to achieve are reduced in value.

To rid the country of DEI–aka dog poop–will take the combined efforts of clear-thinking men and women, in and out of public office. For some reason–probably a lack of salutary ideas and a desire to grab and hold power–many politicians are intent upon imposing legislation and unlegislated rules that create government dependence. But America’s greatness has always depended on independence–from government.

Jim’s Daily Rant is owned and operated by James I. Greene. All rights protected by copyright from reproduction without permission.