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In politics on August 20, 2020 at 5:41 pm

The only thing Democrats hate more than Donald Trump is the Constitution.  They would much prefer eliminating the Electoral College–cited in Article II, Section 1—from the Constitution because Dems control the coastal big cities, from which they capture most of their voters. 

Although elites, most of whom live on the East and West Coasts, make up a minority of the population, they, along with the neediest classes—generally, blacks and Hispanics—and union member make up the three largest segments of today’s Democrat Party.  In combination, these groups provide the Dems with enough votes to beat Republicans and independents, who tend to live in smaller towns, the Midwest, and the South.

Who Are the Elites?

Elites don’t seem to care much about the Constitution or its restrictions on government control over people.  Since they’re elite, they recognize their own authority and value it more highly than the kind of equality guaranteed by the Constitution.  Elites are the perfect advocates of the Democrat Party, which believes in establishing a Utopian society; elites believe it takes elites to run such a society.  It’s as if the Dems have taken a page from Plato’s Republic.

Elites also support Dems because they feel guilty about how much money they’ve accumulated, thanks to capitalism, and believe government is like an endless charity that should redistribute tax dollars to minorities.  An elite government observes noblesse oblige, which satisfies the elites’ sense of superiority over the common folk. 

Most elites also feel guilty about being white, because that means they have always been racially insensitive.  (This is the doctrine being spewed by the left, who love dividing the country up into groups.  They not only hate the Constitution; they hate the concept of e pluribus unum.)  Voting for the radical left is the ultimate masochistic treat: like self-flagellation, it gives elites instant catharsis.

Elite Professors

College towns are dominated by elitist Marxist professors, whose goal is to overthrow free speech and free elections and turn our country into a dictatorship, preferably a dictatorship that would favor them, because they’re sure they know how the country should be run.  After all, since they teach Marxist theory, they assume expertise in knowing how to achieve Utopia.  (Unfortunately, they ignore the fact that Utopia, by definition, is only an imaginative concept.)

The Constitution, brilliantly conceived by the Founders, who especially wanted to protect smaller states from domination by larger states and individuals from elites.  Hence, the Electoral College.  Dems want what they call a “pure democracy,” where the presidential candidate with the most votes wins.  This is why they think Donald Trump “stole” the election from Hillary Clinton.

As a result of their crackpot thinking, Dems want to change the freest, most envied country on earth into an authoritarian one, where they always win.  And they want everyone to use mail-in ballots so their lawyers can control the final tallies.  No wonder they’ve already hired 600 lawyers to challenge the tallies that don’t go their way.

Nominating Biden & Harris Demeans America

Nominating Joe Biden to run for president is another slap-in-the-face to all sane Americans, because Biden is surely the most incompetent candidate the party could have nominated.  He’s too old, too mentally challenged, and has even said he might only be a one-termer, if elected.  Which confirms the party doesn’t give a damn who it runs, as long as it gains power.

Now they have added to Joe’s incompetency by selecting a vice-presidential candidate based on her gender and skin color–a woman with two ethnic backgrounds, as if one wasn’t diverse enough.  She is also—based on her voting record—the most liberal U.S. senator. 

Nevertheless, The New York Times described her as “moderate.”  The only thing moderate about Kamela Harris is that she walks on two legs and flies in an airplane instead of on a broomstick.

Otherwise, she is a quintessential radical, who believes government always knows best.  Which means she will be delighted to confiscate your guns.  She’s also in favor of open borders and thinks all illegals—which she terms “undocumented”—deserve Sanctuary Cities, free health care, free education, and the right to vote in our elections. 

Harris was Attorney General of California before becoming a senator; however, law-and-order, is just a dated term to her.  Therefore, she supports defunding  the police, although—instead of directly admitting that–she says she’s in favor of “reimagining” police departments.  That’s like saying she reimagines democracy as anarchy.

Harris is not only a radical; she’s not popular with voters.  She was the first candidate to drop out of the race for the presidential nomination, because she only had two percent of the vote and couldn’t compete on stage with the other candidates.  The media is trying to blot that out of people’s memory.  But memory aside, Harris doesn’t appeal to voters–she’s brash, says things that make no sense and endanger voters who want security for themselves and their families.

Hidin’ Biden

The Dems are lucky to have the Pandemic at their back.  Therefore, Biden can hide in his Delaware basement until after the election.  He doesn’t have to campaign.  If he’s ever actually questioned by a reporter, he can just say, “Come on, man!”  Or “Let’s wrestle.”  Or “That’s like comparing an elephant to a kangaroo.”  His non-sequiturs usually end all further questions, especially when he says, “I think I’ve used up my time.”  No kidding.

Another advantage for Slow Joe is that the big-time televised conventions have been called off.  The only thing he has to worry about is reading the teleprompter without putting listeners—including himself—to sleep.

The Polls

The media loves to quote the current polls every night.  They invariably show that Biden is leading.  The only question is: Who are the pollsters calling?  Most Trump supporters refuse to respond to pollsters, for good reason.  Trump supporters don’t trust them.

But consider this: If you’ve seen the chaos caused in Democrat cities and states—and who hasn’t—why would you vote for the party that refuses to condemn it?  Why haven’t pollsters even bothered to ask such a revealing question?

What America Stands to Lose

If Democrats win the election in 2020, Biden will circumvent the Constitution by insisting everyone wear masks.  He actually said forget about “your rights”; he’s going to “protect” you, whether you like it or not. 

If Biden can force you to wear a mask, he can force you to do almost anything.  How, for example, would you like low-income housing in your suburban neighborhood?   That was President Obama’s goal, and Biden is likely to carry it out.  Imagine what that will do for real estate values.

What We Have Already Lost

Democrats have already taken over the culture.  Which means they have shut down free speech almost everywhere they can–certainly in colleges and universities and in most of the country’s media. 

Sad to say, even our sports teams are bowing to left-wing pressure.  Why suddenly is almost every professional athlete taking a knee when the National Anthem is played?  Doesn’t that express disdain for the country that has bestowed their riches and fame?  What exactly is that teaching our children?

Nothing is safe anymore.  Dems have polluted the entire country with authoritarian indoctrination. 

Dems Love Dictators

Maybe what we need today is another House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) questioning Dems about their affinities for dictators.  Why, for example, did Senator Bernie Sanders spend his honeymoon in the Soviet Union?  Why did New York Mayor de Blasio spend his honeymoon in Cuba?  The fact that they are so attracted to authoritarian governments means that’s the way they will govern.  Look at how de Blasio is running—ruining! —New York City. 

NYC, Portland, Seattle, LA, San Francisco, and Chicago are microcosms for what the whole country could become under Democrat leadership.

Why Aren’t Millennials Advocating for Free Speech?

If today’s millennials, who are doing most of the protesting, really cared about reinforcing the Constitution, they would be protesting the lack of free speech in their colleges and universities.  Instead, they’re being taught by professors who have never worked outside the ivory tower and were taught themselves by Marxist professors during and after the 60’s.  Furthermore, it’s the radical professors who are hiring other radical professors; thus conservative professors are an endangered speciesThat’s the heart of the problem. 

There’s Only One Choice

Our only hope is to re-elect Trump.  And then find ways to override the teachers’ unions, who are ruining this country by teaching anti-Americanism to our kids and grandkids. 

Send your kids to charter school, some kind of private school, or choose home schooling, but–whatever you do–take them out of the clutches of the teachers’ unions.  Those entrusted to our children need to be vetted for their loyalty to this country, not to Karl Marx or his offspring in Russia, China, Cuba, and Venezuela.

Jim’s Daily Rant is owned and operated by James I. Greene. All rights protected by copyright from reproduction without permission.