
The Road to Serfdom

In politics on October 27, 2015 at 12:51 am

In 1944, F.A. Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom, his metaphor for the logical conclusion of collectivism.  Simply put, “collectivism” is the mindless obedience of the people to the will of the state.  It is the process of governing envisioned and advocated by Rousseau and Hobbes, as well as Plato in his Republic.  Collectivism assumes that government knows best, and, therefore, individual wills are too conflicted to accomplish a unified goal.  This theory assumes that the people will choose a wise leader and submit their individual wills to him.

As we know from history, such a utopian assumption disregards man’s egocentric desire for power.  Thus history shows Marx’s so-called “classless society” results in the ruthless dictatorship of Lenin, Stalin, and now Putin.  Likewise the nationalistic superiority advocated by Hitler leads to Holocaust, an ignominious defeat of the German people, and the cowardly suicide of the dictator.

The false promise of utopianism always ends badly for the people who may initially support it.  The beneficiaries of utopianism—ruthless, corrupt dictators or putative dictators–therefore market their unattainable promises with lies they know people will eagerly accept—e.g., “free” college education, “free” medical care, the forced redistribution wealth  because rich people don’t deserve the money they earn, and more free time, since working eight or more hours a day is akin to slavery.  Not only are these snake-oil promises sold with lies, their details are kept secret from the public for obvious reasons that include increased taxes on everyone who works and endangeried job potential for everyone in the private sector. 

Playing the Class Division Card
The latest higher-taxes-are-good-for-you slogan by Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist from Vermont, is a perfect example of fool’s gold: “It’s not a tax on the people.  It’s a tax for the people.”  This Orwellian construct spins the slogan’s true meaning: “I will raise taxes on everyone and then redistribute as I see fit.”  In fact, there is no essential difference between what Sanders’ advocates and what President Obama has already put in place under the guise of transformation and “hope and change,” which his campaign team knew everyone would interpret subjectively.  There’s no question Hillary Clinton will continue the same economic policy if elected president in 2016.  

Hillary Clinton’s policies seem to begin and end with the word “inequality,”  by which she means pretty much what Sanders means; that is, the rich are too rich, and everyone else doesn’t have enough.  The curious economic paradox of electing Democrats, however, is that the rich keep getting richer, and the middle class keeps getting squeezed.  During the almost seven years under Obama, average middle class income has declined by thousands of dollars, poverty has increased, and more people—63.2%–are not working since 1978.

Furthermore, the Democrats—or Progressives, as they now like to call themselves–never extol the benefits of capitalism because they know capitalism is the enemy of their economic policies.   And under their policies, only the rich get richer; everyone else is forced to survive financially courtesy of government largesse in the form of subsidies.  In other words, Democrats never champion capitalism because it offers everyone a chance to better themselves, which explicitly defeats the Democrats’ credo: dependency on government.

The great irony of Democratic support, nevertheless, is how many super-rich people are eager to donate heavily to Democratic candidates and causes.  The primary reason for their generosity is that the super rich know from experience that Democrats will always permit them to get richer, understanding that no matter how they rail against plutocrats in their campaign rhetoric, they need them to fund their increasingly exorbitant campaign expenses.

How Dictators Come to Power
Of course not every dictator is elected.  Some attain leadership through military insurrection.  North Korea and Cuba are two examples.  But whether elected or not, the results are always the same–the victimization of the people by leaders who claim to be the people’s benefactors.  No wonder so many authoritarian countries call themselves: The People’s Republic.

We have only to look around the world to note the victims of collectivism in Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and Russia, where strongmen thugs rule and people either submit to their rule or are imprisoned and/or killed.  Even China, which some American lefties admire, is nothing but a hybrid political tyranny that permits some degree of capitalism to survive economically, but is, nevertheless, a dictatorship controlled by the same terroristic principles as the aforementioned countries.

How America Turned Away from the Constitution
America’s flirtation with and partial implementation of collectivism goes back to the election of FDR, who believed that the Depression permitted him to assume extraordinary powers not delegated by the Constitution.  In other words, he believed the exigencies of severe economic downturn gave him license to do what he considered best, regardless of legal statute, and thanks to the National Industrial Recovery Act, FDR had over three billion dollars to establish what became known as the “alphabet-soup” agencies, each with its own budget and goals, all without specific congressional authority.

This major leap in executive branch power diminished the co-equal legislative and judicial branches to a subordinate role in government management because suddenly the president could grow government bureaucracy without interference.  In other words–and this is perhaps the most lingering danger from FDR’s administration–the president could suddenly make laws called regulations that by-pass Congress. 

To cite just one overweening example of a federal agency’s grasp over individual freedom, HUD is attempting–using the Fair Housing law of 1968 as precedent–to force lower-income housing upon upper-income communities.  The forerunner of this legal battle is now being fought by Westchester County, New York, against HUD.

The Obama administration, like so many previous Democratic administrations, remains eager to control the lives of people, knowing full well that government largesse weakens individual initiative and grows government power, propelling us all down the bumpy road to serfdom.   

Jim’s Daily Rant is owned and operated by James I. Greene.  All rights protected by copyright from reproduction without permission.

  1. Another super Rant . But I am afraid the bottom line is that people want freebies… and the cost for the rest of us will be the loss of our freedoms. And I, quite honestly, can’t see how we can stem that tide. I, also, seriously doubt that Hillary can be beaten, unless something dramatic is ‘pulled out’ by the FBI…. To show what a felon she really is. Very frustrating…and even scarier

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Thank you for this very thought-provoking Rant.   We are so disgusted with the open forum provided to Hillary by SNL and  the late-night-talk-show-hosts, along with the lapdog acceptance of her lies by most of the media.  She is a master at marketing  unattainable promises with lies by having this added progressive support.  Unfortunately, many young voters lazily get their political ideas from these shows, and she is milking that process. We have seen so many “candy-coated” programs on FDR, touting all the wonderful things his reign initiated, (while bypassing the Constitution).  As a 9th grader, I remember feeling so secure when learning about the balance of powers in the three branches of government in my Civics class….with no branch becoming subordinate to the others…..the way it was supposed to work!  The growth of the FDR and Obama forms of dictatorship were disguised with generous  giveaway programs  to those who are not motivated to take care of themselves.  Obama’s appointed Czars, along with  having Valerie Jarrett as his closest advisor are among the many areas that are truly frightening…. I hope as the slate of the Republican candidates is reduced, one will emerge who can  explain the basic economics of our problems along with some sound and sensible solutions.  I just hope the debates don’t get sidetracked this time on birth control and abortion issues…distractions that the Democrats love to insert.   We need someone honest, who communicates well to lead us.  I personally would love to see a Rubio/Fiorina ticket at the end….but who knows? We want you to know that  we do appreciate your Rants and your beautifully composed thoughts.  I only wish these were on the front page of every paper!! God bless,Judy and Jim Reynolds Please add my friend, Gloria Gemmell to your mailing list:ggemmell@att.net

  3. Jim: I too thank you for framing these issues for reasoned discussion and for your references to the thought of F.A. Hayek. It is so regrettable that a reasoned discussion requires all parties to be reasoning individuals who take a minute to reflect on the lessons from civics and economics. But wait! A ‘minute’ is a virtual ‘lifetime’ for those chained to a hand held device and whose lessons from civics and economics learned in our schools and colleges these past few decades are reduced to ‘tweets’ about personalities and ‘stuff’. It is with a certain sadness that I know that only a handful of students will ever be introduced to Hayek’s powerful essay, “The Use of Knowledge in Society” (American Economic Review, XXXV, No. 4 September, 1945 and re-printed in the collected work, Individualism and Economic Order, U. of Chicago, 1948) and fewer still will read and comprehend all fifteen pages. Actually, I am heartened that at least a few of the Republican presidential hopefuls do evince an understanding of the relationship between individual responsibility, civil society, and the force for good that self-organizing economies emerging from the choices of individuals can mean for the enrichment of all. Keep up your good work Jim.


  4. If only you could get that message to all of our liberal college population!

    Sent from my iPad


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